It’s fairly common knowledge that a CRM (customer relationship management) software stores data and information about clients in an organized fashion — much like an electronic Rolodex.

However, if you use GoldMine just as an electronic Rolodex, you’ll get your money’s worth, but you’ll miss out on the majority of functionality that makes GoldMine such a powerful revenue boosting tool for your business.

So let’s examine GoldMine’s core capabilities… starting with:

1) Consolidates your prospect and customer information

This is the core functionality that everyone understands. As you enter every lead, prospect, customer or account, you begin to compile data in a way that allows you to:

  • share data with other people in your organization for a more streamlined and productive business
  • link emails and other documents to specific records, ideal for building a client paper trail
  • Easily transfer customers and accounts from one sales person to another
  • Set up automated processes to aid with your sales, marketing and support efforts.

2) Keeps track of your business activity

Besides compiling customer data, GoldMine helps you eliminate double booking and missed appointments while helping you track what everyone else is doing in the company. With the ability to view your business from a snapshot, you’ll know the best times to schedule meetings, coordinate data with remote sales people and have a complete audit trail of your team’s activities.

3) Streamlines email, phone & “toe-to-toe” communication

Since documents can be tied to specific records, this means you can send an email to an individual contact, or send a batch email to hundreds or thousands of records. This is powerful for marketing to your current database and communicating with your company.

While GoldMine doesn’t have a word processor, it does have a built in email client that allows this “batch email” functionality. It may take a little getting used to, but once you start emailing and calling through GM, you’ll quickly learn how powerful it can be to have a specfic action and corresponding documents attached to a specific record(s).

4) Capitalize on sales opportunities and projects

Use GoldMine’s sales forecasting tool “Opportunity Manager” to manage the intricate details of complex sales deals, even ones that take months or years to close. It helps you manage the people involved in the sales process, from both yours and your clients side while easily transitioning into a project manager once the deal is closed.

5) Set up automated processes to maximize your effectiveness

Perhaps the most crucial feature to boosting your sales, automated process like reminders to call a client, escalate an issue to your boss and send an automated email at a certain point in the sales process will all help bring more money to your bottom line.

6) Spread your marketing, diversely

The key to any effective marketing campaign is to combine several strategies together, hitting your database from multiple angles. GoldMine helps you achieve this with scheduling calls, sending batch emails, sending snail mail and even collecting leads directly from your website and integrating them into your GoldMine database — a feature that is becoming increasingly valuable as more businesses establish an online presence.

7) Organize & improve your customer support

The new GMPE (GoldMine Premium Edition) has a customer service module that allows your team to manage customer issues by associating each issue with an account while assigning issues into a queue until someone deals with it. Plus, like every other part of GoldMine, these issues will be archived along with any corresponding documents to provide a reference if your customer service comes into question.