Approximately 80 percent of my clients, who’ve spent good money on their GoldMine system, use a mere 10 percent of the software’s capability. The theme this month has been about how using GoldMine as a glorified Rolodex is just bad business — if you care about having a thriving business.

The simple fact is, the more you put GoldMine to work, the more money your company will make. So making the investment in training should be a no-brainer!

So in keeping with that theme, I want to show you how your company can increase its knowledge of GoldMine. Specifically, here are seven ways to get trained on GoldMine, ordered from most to least effective.

1. Bring an experienced trainer to your company (part 1)

Keep it simple by having us come to you! Bob, our GoldMine expert, has over 20 years experience teaching the best practices for maximizing GoldMine – his goal is to show you how to most effectively benefit from GoldMine on a daily basis.

2. Sign up for web-based training

We offer custom web training designed specifically to the topics & needs of you and your group. We have found a series of about four “boot camp” sessions (one hour in length) to be highly beneficial.

3. Bring an experience trainer to your company (part 2)

Dedicate a block of time for the trainer to come to your office — outside your normal company meetings — to school your employees on the ins and outs of the software. Make sure that if you take this approach, that you remove as much distraction as possible. That means no cell phones, no emails etc.

4. Contact Us & The “Help Menu”

If you have remote employees or agents who are more often in the field than at their desk, making a quick call to us will be the fastest way to get back to what’s important… making money. With companies that have chosen this route, they usually leave the training time up to the employee and their work schedule. If you or your team have received training from us, then you’ll know how to also use the “Help Menu” to answer basic questions about GoldMine best practices.

5. Buy GoldMine For Dummies book

We’ve found the most recent updates of the GoldMine For Dummies series to be very beneficial in helping you navigate the vast tools within GoldMine… that is, if it doesn’t start gathering dust in your book shelf.

6. Just A Call Away

Sometimes you just need an answer without hunting for it. Give us a quick call and we’ll answer your question right on the spot! (916)-921-6200 or email: