When GoldMine Standard Edition was first introduced, installation was a breeze. Like many simple programs you install on your computer today, you simply popped in the CD-ROM and you were off the to races.

However, you asked for a better software — one with more functionality. FrontRange has delivered on that, but the catch is it has to run on MS-SQL, which makes the download process much more involved — a process that should include proper planing and a professional.

Now lets say you have 5 employees and you’re just looking to use GoldMine as a Rolodex. (Don’t fall into the Rolodex trap) You can have a GoldMine dealer come in and download the software to your server within a few days, all with little or no planing.

But for projects that will take more than a few days to implement, a formal “needs analysis” should be completed. If you’re the type of person that just wants to get the software installed and start using it, I caution you resist that urge. By completing the analysis, you’ll be able to document goals, develop specifications, assign tasks and time tables.

With that in mind, here’s the golden rule:

The golden rule: invest 10 percent of the total project budget allocated to acquiring and implementing the CRM system in the analysis phase, even if you do the analysis yourself — although analysis from a professional CRM consultant is ideal.

Analyze how you want to use the software, who you’ll need delegate tasks to during its implementation and what you want to accomplish by implementing the software.

Planing in this fashion will ensure you get off on the right foot with the software, that it’s installed correctly and that it’s benefiting your business ASAP!